"Stretch Limo" CD Comes Out THIS Tuesday... WIN a CD!!
I love Colorado. I'm opening for the Weepies in Boulder tonight, yay. It seems I may not be flying back to Boston on Sunday as planned. Or Monday. Or Tuesday. Or hmm, not sure when! I guess mine was one of those thousands of cancelled flights. I'm totally fine here in this lovely state but my thoughts are with everyone back east bracing for Hurricane Irene.My upcoming CD "Stretch Limousine on Fire" will be out on Tuesday August 30! I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it. It's been three years since I put out a CD of all new material (Sweet Life, August 2008). The Performing Songwriter is featuring the CD in it's front page weekly jukebox contest. Go now and win a free CD! I'm thrilled with the early reviews such as these in No Depression and GlideMagazine.com. Check out excepts from early reviews here.
Some people ask if it's better for me if you buy the CD now or at the show. In this case, I want you to get the music NOW! I can't wait. So on Tuesday, go an indie store, or Barnes and Noble, or go to itunes or Amazon.com or CompassRecords.com. And if you love it, recommend it to others. Every sale helps me feel validated as an artist and human. Just kidding! But it does help with momentum!
Tour Update: I will be opening for the irresistible Weepies on August 27th at the Chautauqua Auditorium in Boulder Colorado! Then, in the first week in September I'll be kicking it in Maryland, and Virginia (in Ashland and the Shenandoah Valley.)
The "Stretch Limousine on Fire" tour will be rolling through North Carolina and New England including shows in Natick MA and Portland ME. Check out the schedule here and reserve tickets early! The talented and lovely Jenna Lindbo will be accompanying me on the tour. Plus you never know who else might show up!
Facebook Update: I'm up to the 5000 person limit on my friend page, so please go the "Musician" page for updates. ("Like").
I look forward to hearing your responses to the new CD, and seeing you out there somewhere!
Are you on fire yet?
P.S. There are so many people to thank for making this CD possible. Today I want to thank SRO Artists, Compass Records, Chryssa Zizos, Stephanie West & Matt Curry at West and Associates, Jennifer Walker and my producer Lorne Entress. Seriously, you guys, thanks.

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