Thursday, April 12, 2007

They're Marching like Kitefliers ...

Take a few minutes to watch this final Jobsite Theater video podcast for their original play The March of the Kitefliers.

It explains a lot: what the show is all about, why it's important, favorite memories/moments from those who made it, why they think you should see it (even if you've already seen it) and it also has some pretty groovy real kiteflying footage from a company trip out to Picnic Island.

It's totally G-rated, though the show itself is essentially an R for adult language and humor.

This play was originally produced in 2005, where it played for four sold-out weeks to audiences who were as moved by the experience as those who made it. It exemplifies everything that Tampa Bay's art community can produce from the ground up with original material.

This 2007 run, which has been hailed by all who have seen it as superior to the original in every way, ends Sunday (4/15). In addition to Kitefliers being welcomed back with open arms by the Jobsite faithful and newcomers alike - it's been visited by producers from New York and Chicago and had a special proclamation from Mayor Iorio to kick off opening night.

Jobsite Theater is resident theater company in the Shimberg Playhouse at TBPAC.


(Full disclosure: I am lucky enough to be a producer of and artist in this show. It's been a life-defining project.)

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